Environmental Consulting

Our environmental consulting is structured with the real estate transaction in mind. In addition to full service Phased Site Assessments, we provide Operations & Maintenance (testing and implementation) plans for asbestos, radon, and lead-based paint. Our partnership with property owners or perspective purchasers extends beyond the initial discovery stage if an environmental problem requires remediation on the property by working with local municipalities as well as state and federal governments in order to mitigate environmental impacts.

Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is performed in accordance with the industry standard ASTM E 1527-13 and begins with a visual site tour of the commercial real estate asset. The scope of work includes an analysis of a property’s past and present characteristics (topography, geology, environmental setting and a historical record review of historical maps, title records, regulatory files, and surrounding properties back to the property’s first recorded use). Interviews are also performed with individuals familiar with the site including owners, tenants, and/or property managers.

Phase II ESA is generally recommended when the findings of a Phase I ESA notes or suggests potential environmental site contamination. Commercial properties such as gas stations and dry cleaners typically require a Phase II ESA as they are high risk sites. The scope of work can include sampling and testing of stored waste, soil, soil vapor, and groundwater along with geophysical surveys. A local state-certified laboratory is utilized for sample analysis.

Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and HUD Environmental Diligence may require additional testing requirements depending upon the site location. jhme is aware of these requirements and can perform the additional necessary testing in addition to responding to appropriate reporting forms.

Third-Party Peer Review provides desktop analysis of historic information related to the Property; these may consist of prior environmental reports, environmental database research, and review of local records. Additionally, correspondence with past tenants or stakeholders may also be included in our desktop review.

Environmental Transaction Screen provides an alternative to a Phase I ESA. This alternative provides the Property purchaser with an environmental report with a smaller research burden, where appropriate. An environmental transaction screen is not acceptable for all properties and may not be acceptable to individual lenders.

Vapor Intrusion Screen discovers contaminated soils or groundwater, even with a source not originating on-site may release harmful vapors in enclosed spaces. jhme can assess the potential for vapor intrusion via desktop / on-site review or in-situ testing.